What is a Breast Lift?


A breast lift, also known as mastopexy, is a surgical procedure aimed at improving the shape and look of your breasts. Excess skin is removed and breast tissue is reshaped to “lift” the breasts, restoring a youthful appearance, reducing asymmetry or even reducing the size of the areola. Genetics, pregnancy, weight fluctuations, age and gravity can all contribute to your breasts’ appearance, but plastic surgery provides some options to alter, restore or enhance your breasts. Sometimes a breast lift can be paired with implants or liposuction for further augmentation. At Valespring Cosmetic Surgery Institute, Dr. Stephanie Dreckmann will develop a surgical plan unique to your needs and will help you achieve your vision for your body. Dr. Dreckmann is a board-certified, highly talented plastic surgeon performing breast lifts in the Greater Toronto Area.

Portrait of a beautiful young woman with a breast lift

A breast lift, or mastopexy procedure, can:

  • Boost self-confidence and self-esteem

  • Correct sagging breasts

  • Improve the appearance of loose or stretched-out breast skin that has lost its elasticity

  • Restore breast shape, firmness and fullness in women who have had significant weight loss or who have experienced a change in breast shape related to aging, pregnancy or breastfeeding

  • Improve nipple orientation

  • Reduce breast asymmetry

  • Reduce areola size

  • Reduce, restore or increase breast volume, depending on if it is performed in isolation or at the same time as a breast reduction or augmentation

Why Get a Breast Lift?

woman wearing a bra with breast lift markings

Am I Candidate for a Breast Lift?

Valespring Cosmetic Surgery Institute follows all guidelines from the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario to maximize patient safety, and Dr. Dreckmann will personally perform any necessary physical assessments during a consultation to evaluate your eligibility as a candidate. The following are a general set of requirements to be an eligible candidate for breast lift surgery:

  • Generally fit and healthy

  • Body mass index (BMI) less than 35

    • You can calculate your BMI here

  • Smokers should quit smoking at least 4 weeks prior to surgery, as well as after

  • Not currently pregnant or breastfeeding

  • Realistic expectations

    • With a consultation at Valespring Cosmetic Surgery Institute, Dr. Dreckmann will help provide realistic expectations by aligning your desired breast size and shape with your age, lifestyle, physique and proportions so that you have a clear idea of what you can expect in your final result.

Valespring reserves the right to turn down patients who do not meet the necessary physical or psychological criteria for cosmetic surgery, and would do so only because we make your health and safety our top priority.

How is a Breast Lift Performed?

periareolar breast incision for breast lift plastic surgery

Periareolar Breast Incision

This procedure involves an incision around the edge of the areola. It is less common, but may be used for some patients with mildly low breast position and optionally reducing areola size. It is the smallest of the 3 types of incisions.

vertical breast incision (lollipop incision) for breast lift plastic surgery

Vertical Breast Incision (Lollipop incision)

A lollipop incision goes around the areola and extends from the bottom of the areola downward towards the breast crease. It is used for a moderate elevation of the nipple, reduction of the areola (if desired) and reducing excess skin in the horizontal direction. Since excess skin is not removed in the vertical direction, it is not a suitable incision if breasts need to be raised a significant amount.

anchor breast incision for breast lift

Anchor Incision

The anchor incision is named after the shape of the incision. It involves an incision around the areola and from the bottom of the areola downward toward the breast crease, and then along the breast crease. It allows for removing skin in both the horizontal and vertical directions, and allows the breasts to be raised and reshaped significantly. The incision in the breast crease tends to be naturally hidden by the breast. This incision is the most common, and can be paired with implants, if desired, while using the same incision.

A Breast Lift Surgery Overview


  • An incision is made (see patterns above) to remove excess skin and sometimes breast tissue. This reduces drooping or sagging and the internal breast tissues are also adjusted to create a rounder and fuller breast. Areolas can be reduced and nipples can be elevated at this time. After achieving the appropriate breast appearance, the incisions are stitched closed.

  • Breast implants can often be placed at the same time as a breast lift if desired. To do this, usually the same incisions are used as the breast lift. Implant adjustments are made as required to ensure appropriate shape, location and symmetry.

  • Usually takes 2 to 3 hours.


  • General Anesthesia so that the patient is fully asleep for the procedure.


  • 1 week off work

  • 4 weeks before heavy exercise

  • A complimentary surgical bra must be worn around the clock for 4 weeks

  • It can take up to 6-12 months for your breasts to achieve their final shape

  • These numbers serve as a rough guideline, but you should always follow your surgical team’s specific and individualized recovery plan, as recommendations may vary from patient to patient

Breast Lift Types

Traditional Breast Lift

woman traditional breast lift before and after illustration

A traditional breast lift aims at reducing excess skin so that the nipple can be repositioned and the breast can be reshaped into a rounder and fuller shape. It used to restore a more natural and youthful appearance. Sometimes liposuction of the sides of the breasts or bra line is also recommended to achieve a more aesthetic result.

Breast Lift with Implants

woman wearing compression garment. breast lift with implants

Factors that lead to sagging breasts (ptosis), like age, pregnancy, breastfeeding and weight changes, may also reduce breast volume as well. A breast lift with implants can restore or increase the volume in your breasts, while also enhancing their shape. Since the incisions used for a breast lift can usually also be used for breast implants, the procedures are often paired together. In select cases, your surgeon may recommend performing the breast augmentation first and the breast lift at a later date.

Breast Reduction

Woman in black dress with large breasts. Breast reduction.

A breast reduction simultaneously removes excess fat, tissue and skin from your breasts to reduce breast volume and lift or reshape the breast. It can be performed for cosmetic reasons, medical reasons or both. OHIP may cover a breast reduction if deemed medically necessary, however, Valespring does not perform OHIP-covered breast reductions at our facility. Dr. Dreckmann can assess your needs and eligibility during a free consultation and provide a surgical plan if you are a candidate for a non-OHIP breast reduction.

Let us guide you through the decision

Book a Free Breast Lift Consultation Now!

 How Much Does a Breast Lift Cost?


Breast Lift


Cost Includes:

  • Breast lift procedure on both breasts

  • Surgical Bra

Breast Lift With Implants

add $4000+

Cost Includes:

  • 2 Implants (saline or silicone)

  • Breast Augmentation procedure on both breasts when added to a Breast Lift Procedure


Breast Reduction


Cost Includes:

  • Breast reduction procedure on both breasts

  • Surgical Bra

Optional Overnight Stay


Patients normally return home on the same day of the procedure, but some would like the extra peace of mind of staying in an overnight bed in our medical facility, under the supervision of 2 attendants.

Cost Includes:

  • Overnight stay in one of our beds

  • Nurse supervision for the length of your stay

  • Meals for dinner and breakfast the following morning

Consultations are free with no obligation

If you have any questions about our pricing or have specific needs, do not hesitate to contact us

Prices serve as a guideline only. Fees will be adjusted based on each patient’s individual anatomy and the complexity of the case.

Prices do not include HST

Get your breast lift now, make payments later!

See Our Other Procedures Related to Breast Surgery

Woman in black swim top. Breast Augmentation. Plastic surgery.

Breast Augmentation

Woman in black lace with large breasts. Breast reduction. Plastic surgery.

Breast Reduction

Woman covering breasts with arms. Fat transfer breast augmentation. Plastic surgery.

Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation

Woman in a dress kissing child outside. Mommy makeover. Plastic surgery.

Mommy Makeover

 FAQs about Breast Lifts (Mastopexy)

  • It depends on a number of factors such as age, genetics, diet, weight changes, pregnancies and overall health. Some patients’ breast lift results last a lifetime. The average breast lift lasts for 10 to 15 years.

    Taking care of your skin to preserve elasticity is important to maintain breast lift results. For instance, overexposure to the sun can cause skin to wrinkle or sag.

    Rapid weight gain or loss can also impact your results, so you should only only pursue a breast lift after you’ve achieved and sustained your target weight with the intention of maintaining that weight. If you are intending to become pregnant, it is often better to wait until finished having children to have a breast lift performed.

    At your surgical follow-up visits, we will make specific recommendations on how to prolong your breast lift results.

  • Usually. With modern surgical techniques it is often possible to preserve the ability to breastfeed after a breast lift or reduction. However, some women may find they are not able to breastfeed after surgery or that they have decreased milk supply. Whether that is caused by the surgery itself, however, is often unclear.

  • A lollipop breast lift is named after the shape of the incision. An incision is made in a ring around the areola in addition to a incision running from the bottom of the areola to the middle of the breast crease. The lollipop lift is typically suited for small or moderately sized breasts.

  • No. OHIP may cover a breast reduction under certain conditions, but will not cover a breast lift.

  • There may be some pain and bruising for the first few weeks. Your doctor will prescribe medication to help control the pain after surgery.

  • After your surgery you will likely have dressings covering your breasts, and you will be given a complimentary surgical support bra. Surgical drains are usually not needed.

    Your breasts may be bruised for 2-3 weeks, and likely sore around the incisions. Pain medication will be provided.

    Immediately following surgery, you should avoid strenuous activity, bending and lifting and you should sleep on your back to avoid pressure on your breasts.

    Your doctor will provide comprehensive post operative instructions which will describe when normal daily activities can be resumed.

    The results from a breast lift should be immediately noticeable, and it will take several months for swelling to completely resolve and for their shape to settle. Scars will likely fade over time.

  • All types of surgeries have risks, including a breast lift, but breast lift surgery is generally regarded as a safe procedure. Risks will be discussed during the surgical consultation. Procedures at Valespring are only performed by experienced, board-certified plastic surgeons in an accredited surgical facility to ensure patient safety.

  • Yes. Any surgery will leave a scar. Incisions for a breast lift can be made around the areola, from the areola down to the middle of the breast crease, and along the breast crease, depending on the breast lift technique used. The scars tend to fade over time, but this can vary depending on genetics and other factors.

 Still have questions?

We’ve got you covered. Reach out for a free consultation!